What You Will Learn At An HVAC Trade School

What You Will Learn At An HVAC Trade School

What You Will Learn At An HVAC Trade School

31 January 2023
, Blog

If you're considering a career in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), you'll want to be sure that you're adequately prepared for the job. HVAC training is essential for anyone wanting to start a career in the field. With the right training, you'll be able to perform essential maintenance and repair tasks, as well as understand the science behind the systems and how they work. Here is what to expect when you attend an HVAC school.

System Overview 

HVAC training typically begins with an overview of the systems and how they are used. You'll learn about the different components of the systems and how they interact. For example, you'll learn about the air handler, the condenser, the evaporator coils, and the ductwork. You'll also learn about the different types of refrigerants and the various safety considerations that go along with handling them.

Diagnose and Troubleshoot

The next step in HVAC training is learning how to diagnose and repair different components of the system. You'll learn how to inspect and test various parts of the system, such as motors, compressors, and condensers. You'll also learn how to troubleshoot electrical and mechanical issues.


You'll also be taught the basics of system installation, such as sizing the ductwork and installing the equipment. Along with installation, you will learn the proper way to safely remove an existing system before bringing in the new one.

Service and Repair

In addition to learning about the systems, you'll also be taught how to properly service them. This includes maintenance tasks such as cleaning filters, checking refrigerant levels, and testing safety controls. A big portion of the job will be performing routine maintenance to prevent major problems within the system. Of course, you will also learn how to take care of major problems when they do arise.

Work Safety

Finally, you'll learn about important safety considerations for HVAC technicians. This includes understanding the potential hazards of working with refrigerants, proper use of safety equipment, and how to handle hazardous materials. You'll also learn about the proper disposal of refrigerants and other hazardous materials.

Ultimately, HVAC training will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the HVAC industry. You'll be able to confidently diagnose, repair, and install HVAC systems and understand the science behind them. Look for a school that offers HVAC certification and you'll be well on your way to a successful career in HVAC.

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Trade School: Advice for Students and Prospective Students

Attending trade school is a smart way to learn skills that will allow you to develop a successful and rewarding career in the coming years. Trades like plumbing, electrical work, and carpentry will always be in-demand, and many of these industries are in need of more workers. We're here to offer information and advice on applying for and attending trade school. Learn what to expect as you begin enrolling in courses, and discover the benefits of participating in various programs. We value trade workers in all industries, and we hope the advice we offer serves you well as you launch your career.
