Military Enlistment Almost Over? Use Your Experiences To Your Benefit By Training For A Facilities Maintenance Career

Military Enlistment Almost Over? Use Your Experiences To Your Benefit By Training For A Facilities Maintenance Career

Military Enlistment Almost Over? Use Your Experiences To Your Benefit By Training For A Facilities Maintenance Career

27 December 2019
, Blog

If you are active duty in the military in a job that doesn't translate well to the civilian sector, such as infantryman, you may be wondering what your options are regarding what type of career to go for when your enlistment term ends. Of course, you'll want to be in demand for the career field you choose to go in to. Because of this, facilities maintenance is a good option.

Facilities maintenance technicians work in buildings and factories to maintain and repair systems such as electricity, refrigeration, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing. Here's what you need to know about how your military service is beneficial for training to be a facilities maintenance technician.

You know how to work with others 

Being in the military has taught you how to work with others as a team. Teamwork is essential in the military. Working with others teaches you how to resolve conflicts with others and how to complement the strength of one another. When training and working as a facilities maintenance technician, you will be working with others in some capacity, whether it's with a student, co-worker, or future client. 

You know how to manage projects 

The military has also taught you project management skills, particularly in regards to deadlines, even though you have often heard the phrase, "hurry up and wait." The project management skills you learned in the military will help you during training, particularly when it's time to study and perform hands-on tasks. After training, when you're on the job, you'll be required to manage various systems and perform routine maintenance. 

You know how to remain calm under stress 

Training for any career can be stressful, particularly when you have a lot riding on finishing the training while still taking care of the financial obligations you acquired through your adulthood. Another way your military service benefits you is that you know how to remain calm under stress, or at least you know how to appear that you are calm. This is also important for a career as a facilities maintenance technician when systems go haywire and you need to quickly and calmly figure out what the problem is and take action to ensure the safety of the people in the building as well as the structure itself. 

Facilities maintenance technician is a good career to transition to after serving your country in the military. Contact your local technical school for more information about facilities maintenance training

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